What happens to my bike when changing job or at the end of the leasing period?

The terms and conditions regarding situations, where the employment is terminated or the salary is temporarily suspended are usually set in the employee’s bicycle benefit policy. For this reason, we strongly encourage the employers to familiarize themselves with their employee’s bicycle benefit policy. 

Inform GoByBike of any changes in your employment

If you are changing jobs, you have three options to choose from:

  • You can transfer your employee bike to the new employer if they are using GoByBike service or they want to join the service. 
  • You can redeem the bike 
  • You can return the bike to GoByBike only if that suits to your employer

If your employee bike's leasing period is coming to an end, you have two options to choose from:

  • You can redeem the bike 
  • You can return the bike to GoByBike 

Please inform us of your decision! 

We ask you to inform GoByBike about your decision no later than one month before the end of the leasing period. Notify us by filling in the employee form.

Transferring the contract to a new employer

You can transfer your company bike contract to your new employer if you have agreed to it with them and they already have a bike benefit in use through GoByBike or they join our service before your employment with your current employer ends.

The contract can also be transferred to another service provider. GoByBike will handle the arrangements related to the transfer and there are no additional costs for the employee or employer.

The required processing time is 2-4 weeks for transfer negotiations, so please provide the information for the transfer through the employee form well in advance.

Transferring the bike to another user

You can also transfer your bike to a colleague if your employer approves of it. The new user will benefit of the already paid months.

We need the following information from the new user:

  • The name of the new user
  • Contact information (email + phone number)
  • The month on which you want the transfer to materialize

Redemption of the employee bike 

You will find the redemption price table attached to your lease agreement. You can always contact us (info@gobybike.fi) and ask for information about the redemption price.

We will charge you the redemption price via email invoice. By paying the bill the ownership of the bike will pass to you at the end of the rental period.

Returning the employee bike 

If you want to return the employee bike after the end of the leasing period, please let us know no later than one month before the end of the leasing period. We will inform you of the place, where you can return the bike or if the bike is picked up by us. 

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